Social care workers - Ireland

Community Care - Irlanda (28944 - 34560)

Do you feel that your job is worth a lot more than what you are currently being paid?

You now have the chance to get the salary you deserve, plus training opportunities to help you progress in your career.

On top of that, you get to work Sundays and Bank Holidays, you get premium rates (x1.5) and you get the freedom to work flexible hours.

Your future team is waiting for you to help them provide an emotionally and psychologically safe place where young people with disabilities can heal, develop and move on with their lives.

How good does it feel to know that you will be a vital part of giving these young people the hope for the future they deserve?

There is also a relocation package for you to cover your flight to Ireland and 2 months rent.

What do we ask in return?

You must speak English, have a driving license and have a degree in Social Care, social work, social science, Psychology or equivalent.

Are you a people person?

Let us have a chat.

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Mais sobre esta oferta

Esta oferta de emprego foi inserida pela empresa. em Terça, 23 Abril, 2024 - 10:49. A resposta a este anúncio de emprego tem como data limite: Quinta, 23 Maio, 2024.

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